Oh my poor neglected blog! I must say though that I am consoled by the fact that most of the blogs that I follow go un-updated as well! Oh that darn social networking site, you know who you are. I am happy to say that I have freed myself from you! YEAH! I would be lying if I said a part of me didn't miss it, it is fun. But, I figured hey, I survived without FB before, I can do it again, and I am, and it's good. ; )
Aaaahh, now on to the good stuff. What has been going on with "US", The Gonzalez Five, The Gonzalez Gang. Gee, been so long, I wonder if anyone even checks here anymore???? I guess we will see.............
Life is full & busy & we are blessed. It is the last weekend of our summer break and it has been very relaxing and restful. We have had time to catch up with family, attend three different VBS's, get water-logged at the pool, stay up late and sleep in late as well. All the fun things of summer!
Philip will be going into 7th grade and is getting SO big! He has his moments, (don't believe that all drama is with girls :) he is about to become a teenager for crying out loud. All in all, he is doing well. He is excited about school starting on Monday. He is quite the handy guy, helping me around the house with little things and helping his brother (Paul) fix his bike. He loves shooting hoops, riding his scooter and of course playing video games. Have to do a bit of bragging - he made the honor roll all four quarters last year, way to go Phil!

Paul is going into middle school ~ 6th grade. He had a good 5th grade year and enjoyed being the "upper class men" of their elementary school. Paul enjoys playing with the neighbor kids in the cul-de-sac on our street. He likes riding his scooter, playing "guns" with his brothers and neighbor friends and still enjoys bugs, and drawing. He is still okay with his old Ma in public situations (unlike his older brother), and will come up to me and give me a hug at school - we'll see how that goes in "middle school." ; )

And finally last but oh so certainly NOT least, my baby. David had said when Sammy was born,
"Sammy, I think you're going to be the baby for a very long time." When he said this, I remember thinking to myself, "What is he talking about?" Well, now I know. Sammy is my baby and I am so holding on to all of his baby-ness that I possibly can, for as long as I can. But, I must say, it's getting hard. He is of course getting big and growing so fast. He is five going on eight, thanks to his older brothers! He will be going into 1st grade and he is so excited about it! He is such a funny guy and he sure keeps us on our toes. He just started sparring in karate this summer and he LOVES it!